The Bush Legacy
- the emergence of the use of torture
- secret prisons
- indefinite detention
- the denial of habeas corpus
- warrantless eavesdropping
- illegal domestic spying
- the politicization of the administration of criminal justice and of civil rights
- the claimed unilateral nullification of enacted legislation
- the claim that the failure by the president to comply with Executive Orders amounts to a secret and unwritten revocation or revision of such orders
- dictation of the terms of legislation by the president to Congress
- dictation of the terms of appropriations bills (heretofore known as the "power of the purse" by the president to Congress
- the declaration that federal judges are incompetent to rule on questions touching on "national security"
- the refusal of the "unitary executive" to permit the other branches to test its claims of "executive privilege"
- the refusal of the Justice Department to prosecute contempt of Congress charges against executive branch officials
- the staggering increase in the frequency of use of the "state secrets" privilege to block access to the courts
- the systematic suppression of scientific evidence regarding "administration" policies through the manipulation of administrative procedure
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