Random Rants of the Week
Unlike most of my posts, this one is not going to follow any one theme. Instead, I'm going to touch on a bunch of issues that I have had time to ponder over the last 6 days of being sick. *None of the below mentioned people had anything to do with this blog. Neither this site nor its content have been approved, sanctioned, or otherwise endorsed by anyone but me, the random guy who wrote it. Anyone who feels agrieved can bite me.
1. Barack Lovers
As most of you know, I am supporting Obama for president now that my Carolina buddy with perfect hair is no longer in the running. I saw Barack speak here in Portland when he got Richardson's endorsement and was impressed by the way that he connected the larger social issues to his own life experiences in a humble and forthright way. I love the fact that he is inspiring people and that there is a true grass-roots upwelling from many citizens that are often apathetic to politics. I believe Barack when he says that this election is not about him but about us. I believe that if he is elected our country will have a better chance to right the wrongs of the Bush regime. And I believe that he will engage in honest diplomacy before he beats the terrible drums of war.
Now, here is the big "BUT": I will remain critical of his actions. I will not blindly bow to him as if he is the second coming. I will not give him a free pass in all that he does. I will call him out when he makes mistakes. And I will vote against him or in the extreme, support his impeachment, if he fails We the People. Unlike those blinded by his rhetoric, I still have questions about his ties to Big Business. Unlike the Obama girls out there, I still question why he doesn't support universal health care, why he thinks impeachment is undemocratic, and why he's continuously voted for continued spending on the war even though he so vehemently stands against it.
Ultimately it is up to us, We the People, to ensure that democracy thrives. We must remain critical of our leaders at all times regardless of who those leaders are. Those leaders need to answer to us. We are their bosses. Obama is applying for a very important job. We should question his qualifications, his employment history, his references. And if we give him the job of Commander-in-Chief we must hold him accountable if he fails.
In my own local primary my candidate (Steve Novick) was criticized by his Democratic opponent (Jeff Merkley) for being critical on fellow Democrats. Novick dared to suggest that Democrats were sell-outs to corporate interests by basically saying that because of corporate interests the two parties were becoming indistinguishable. His opponent even accused him of the dreaded "flip-flop" because of his past critique of Obama when compared to his current endorsement. But I say this: There is nothing more democratic than thinking of elected officials in a critical manner and calling them out when they do wrong, even when they are in your own party. The ideals of democracy are far more important than your political stripe so vote for Barack Obama, but don't give him a free pass.2. Anti-Abortion Bushies
I went to my family parish on Sunday for my niece's baptism and was taken aback when I saw a "W '04" sticker on a car in the parking lot. Just to let you know, this NE P-Town church may very well be the most liberal Catholic church anywhere in the world and yet, there it was: a vote for W sticker. After my initial shock and dismay I noticed the other bumper stickers, all of which were condemning abortion as murder and a light went on: Pro-lifer. Now, for the record, I am not against this position on moral grounds. I don't want anyone to have an abortion because abortions quite simply are not much fun for the soul but at the same time, I do feel that women have the right to choose. That said, here are the thoughts that followed my initial gasp: 1. After almost 8 years of Bush, is abortion illegal? Nope 2. Has Bush held human life on the same pedestal as these pro-life Catholics? Nope 3. Would the lives of fetuses saved have justified the lives of the already living and now dead children in Iraq? Nope.
So Anti-Abortion Bushies, if you are so Pro-life why did you vote for a guy who through deception, was so pro-war? I think you should be kneeling in the confessional. But, I suppose that is between you and the Creator (though you should probably say sorry to the rest of us). And still, you were a bunch of idiots that sold out the living.
3. Push-Polls in Portland
Back to Novick v. Merkley.... Jeff, why do you have to use dirty tricks out of Rove's play book? Oh yeah! You are the candidate for U.S. Senate from Oregon supported by the Democratic Leadership Council, aka the Corporate Democrats.
My wife got called by your camp. Before your guys could get to the dirty questions about Novick being a commie my wife told them she was voting for Steve Novick with his mean left hook. "Well, at least he's a Democrat" is how your staffer replied before hanging up the phone. Indeed. A friend of mine, who is a Merkley supporter, commented that people didn't really know what a push-poll was so I'll let you decide: Legitimate campaign questions or insinuatory tactics designed to turn off potential voters?
Voters are asked whether they are more or less favorably inclined toward Novick, given the following information:
• "Novick is a pro-tax advocate, repeatedly supporting higher taxes for the middle classes, running on a proposal to raise Social Security taxes and falling for false Republican claims that if we don't do this, Social Security will go bankrupt." Novick has advocated for a rise in Social Security taxes, but only for those who make $100,000 and up.
• "Novick is simply not a serious candidate who can win election. He carried joke business cards that have a Communist hammer and sickle symbol on them. He voted for Ralph Nader. His campaign ads feature jokes. That is not the person who can beat Gordon Smith." Novick voted for Nader in 1996, but publicly urged Democrats to vote for Al Gore in 2000.
• "Novick is a paid political consultant and lobbyist. He has made a political career out of developing negative attacks, poll-driven campaigns and advising candidates what to say to get elected." Novick work as a political consultant was largely on issues and policy, not on campaigns and elections.
Voters were also asked what in Novick's "background" concerned them most: "that he is a pro-tax advocate, political consultant, or that he is a divider."
4. Slick WilliesSpeaking of push-polls and the Novick/Merkley show down... I think many of us are sick of career politicians. Politics as usual is one of the big causes for low voter turn-out. Many here in Oregon say Steve Novick is not electable because he does not 'fit the mold'. He doesn't have much experience as an elected official (though he certainly is qualified), he doesn't have many power house donors (though many citizens support him), and he doesn't have that bleached smile, that perfect hair, or the perfect answers (though he does have a decent dentist, barber, and can speak without using double talk). I say his "not fitting the mold" is EXACTLY what makes him so damn electable, especially against the likes of Gordon Smith. In Oregon, we have a long history of electing people who do not fit what a national strategist might envision as the "perfect candidate". Steve's unique, unpolished ways are exactly why people like him. And let's be honest: who here is satisfied with politics as usual?
5. Anti-Hipster... and I Vote!
That's right: I'm becoming a hipster hater. Too many of them have flocked to my 'hood with their bed head hair, excessive tattoos, and their cooler than thou attitudes. I'm sick of getting looked at weird for being too hippy, or too preppy, or too mainstream, or too not like them. These 'cool' kids peddle that same closed minded bullshit they were running from in the first place. Weren't they so sick of the mainstream looking down at them in their mid-west suburban hometowns that they had to come out west?... where they could stick their noses up at... me?!! For f*@k sake man!
Listen, I have plenty of friends that would fall in this category and let me say to them that if they are reading this slightly bemused then they are not the folks I am addressing. It takes humility to recognize your negative tendencies and an open mind take this in good humor. After all, we are all just funny monkeys thinking we know the flavor of kool-aid. But to those that would tell me to f-off well... Your music ain't better mine or anyone else's, your ratty skin tight clothes aren't any better, and don't kid yourself into thinking that your lifestyle is any better. As to your arrogant opinions? Well, the next hipster that gets on their high horse with me as if their opinion is somehow worth more than mine is going to get torn a new one. Hypocrites and parasites, I say. Open your minds enough to see the value in something that you have not pre-ordained as cool.
And as for the voting part I mention in the title? Too many naysayers wearing black jeans, metal lip rings, and black leather jackets scoff at mainstream political action, critical political thought,

Check out this fairly awesome Press Release that Novick put out suggesting that Merkley has some "'splaining" to do for those questions!
That press release Novick put out is classic. Gets right to the point: "hey, jeff, which one of these campaigns that I worked on did you not support, yourself?"
Great site, Luke.
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